The SC Village podcast welcomed legendary paintball player Ryan Greenspan into the studio to discuss his history in the sport as well as his upcoming projects with SC Village. Ryan is a founding member and current rostered player on Team Dynasty, widely regarded as the best paintball team in history, with Ryan considered to be the winningest player the game has ever produced.
On the podcast Ryan talked about the work ethic and personal demands it’s taken to keep Dynasty on top of the paintball tournament scene for two decades. He also announced that he will be a SC Village Field Pro for the 2023 season, where he’ll be hosting training clinics and participating in many other different field programs throughout the year.
The SC Village podcast is an opportunity for some of the best players, industry members and innovators in paintball to discuss not only where the sport came from, but where it’s going. Other guests to the podcast include Todd Martinez, one of the best tournament paintball coaches active today.