We're super excited to announce that SC Village is hosting the California stop of the Hormesis Elite 1v1 World Tour on September 28th & 29th! Get ready for an action-packed event as top competitors from all over the world come together for intense one-on-one battles. This is where the best of the best showcase their skills, strategy, and sheer determination to claim the title. It's going to be an unforgettable weekend filled with high-energy matchups and thrilling moments. Come join us, cheer for your favorites, and be part of the excitement as we search for the world's greatest at SC Village!
The Elite 1vs1 duel exemplifies the pinnacle of professionalism in the realm of
Paintball. In this format, two opponents engage in a match lasting 20 minutes, with
20-second intervals between each point. Each player is allowed two timeouts of one minute each, with the objective being a race to score 10 points. The first player to reach 10 points will emerge victorious, but must secure a win by a margin of two points. In the event of a tie at the expiration of time, the players will engage in a tiebreaker known as "going the distance," playing back-and-forth until one player leads by two points or reaches the maximum score of 15 points to conclude the 7 game.
Each dueler must be accompanied by a coach and a pit crew, with a maximum of
three crew members. A dueler's pit may contain up to five cases of paint for each
duel, while on average, a dueler will utilize two boxes of paint per match. Physical
and mental preparation is crucial for each dueler before entering a duel, as they must
exhibit exceptional athleticism and mental fortitude to navigate through each match
Following a victory in a duel, the winning dueler progresses to the next round,
while the opponent is eliminated, potentially playing up to five matches per day.
The crowned champion of each duel earns the title of the best in the area and
receives an invitation to compete in the grand finale, where a cash prize of $15,000 awaits the ultimate victor.
- Duel breakdown
- Nxl rate of fire 280 fps
- 20 mins running clock
- 20 seconds between points
- Pit crew
- 2 time outs
- 2 sets of gear
- Race to 10
- Win by two
- Clock stops
- First to 15
- 5 cases max
- Switch sides after 5 confirmed
- Boundaries
- Foot body
- Extra equipment
- 3 Pit crew
- Boundaries are 1 foot out not whole body
- Penalties
- 1 warning yellow card
- 2 minus a point red
- 3 minus point +1swing black
- 4 disqualification
- Single elimination
- No side line coaching