Monsterball Big Game

Monsterball Big Game

In the first ten years of paintball, there weren’t very many variations of the game available for players to choose from, as the number of active fields was still very small.  But, the founders of SC Village (created in 1983) knew that paintball enthusiasts would be hungry for more than just simple capture the flag games that involved just one to two dozen other players.  As a result they created Monsterball, one of the first “big game” annual paintball events in history.

Monsterball was designed to bring hundreds of paintballers together, an experience practically no player had seen before.  To accommodate that many players at once, the entire layout of over 100 acres of playing fields at SC Village had to be used, along with an unprecedented amount of staff, rental crew members and paintball marker technicians. 

What also made Monsterball a standout paintball event is that it drew in a large crowd of celebrities that had developed a passion for paintball early into the creation of the game.  Playing side by side with popular film and television actors, models and professional athletes became one of the defining elements of Monsterball, and to this day some of those same celebrities continue to play with SC Village-produced paintball events.

Monsterball helped set the standard for large scale paintball activations and later found its current form as Decay of Nations, a SC Village-run scenario game that is the largest of its kind on the West Coast.  You can learn more about Decay of Nations here.
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